Liquid error
  • Image of St. Louis Pennant
  • Image of St. Louis Pennant
  • Image of St. Louis Pennant

Professional baseball has existed in St Louis dating as far back as 1875 when it entered the National Association. The following year it became a charter member of the National League - before being sent packing in 1877 for fixing games. After a brief four year stint on the barnstorming circuit, the city entered the upstart American Association as the Brown Stockings, where they dominated winning four straight championships. Since those raucous days in the Beer and Whiskey League, St Louis has gone on to raise many more pennants.

We're pleased to offer our salute to Mound City. Constructed using only 100% wool felt, which we hand cut and hand sew in our own shop in Massachusetts. A lovely shade of cardinal on a field of navy blue. Each pennant measures 28 inches wide, not including the tassels.

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