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  • Image of Rooters
  • Image of Rooters

The Royal Rooters of Boston are widely considered to be the first, and certainly most prominent, of early Base Ball fan groups. The organization was born in Nuf Ced McGreevy's Third Base Saloon located near the South End Grounds. Many of Boston's social elite called themselves members and they often traveled with the team on road trips. They were so unnerving that some give THEM credit for the Pilgrims winning the first World Series in 1903, having gotten so far under the skin of the Pittsburgh lineup. Depicted here is a caricature of Nuf Ced leading the fans that appeared on numerous Rooters ephemeral items at the turn of the last century.

Edition of 50 letterpress prints on grey Curious Particles paper. Each 11x14 print is signed and titled by the artist. Prints are sold unframed.

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